How to Fix ‘Mobile Network State Disconnected’ Issue?

Just imagine you are in between video call with your best friend and he’s about to share an interesting story that recently happened and you are all engrossed…and suddenly, your mobile faces network issues.

Obviously you will blame the network and when your device notifies this, ‘Mobile Network State Disconnected’, annoying, right!

This mobile network error is growing common. Several Android users are reporting this problem lately.

What’s ‘Mobile Network State Disconnected’ Error?

Mobile network state indicates that mobile devices are linked to a mobile network of a carrier. This kind of problem could show up on the phone as a signal reception indicator for mobile data.

For instance, it usually occurs when a mobile device tries to connect to a 4G network but the SIM card is only compatible with 3G. Due to this, the network connection remains down.

When the network switches from WiFi to 4G mobile data, the same problem appears. Again, this is bothersome and waste of time & effort.

But relax!

Let’s learn how to fix this error in a few simple steps.

Why ‘Mobile Network State Disconnected’ Issue Occurs?

This error might occur due to several reasons. The following are the most important reasons for the ‘Mobile Network State Disconnected’ issue.

  • Coverage issues and signal strength
  • Outages and network congestion
  • SIM card-related issues
  • airplane mode & settings
  • Software glitches

It prevents users from accessing their phone internet via mobile data.

Fixing Mobile Network State Disconnected Error

There are numerous causes for this problem that users may be experiencing. The article provides a complete list of potential fixes.

Read each one individually until the right solution is found. Some of the best fixes are as follows:c

#1. Change the Mobile Data to 3G in place of 4G

Change the Mobile Data to 3G in place of 4G

If the Android handset supports 4G but the SIM card does not, this could be the reason of the issue. Therefore, users should change their mobile data to 3G to match the SIM card settings if they are trying to connect to 4G while their SIM card only supports 3G. To perform this, follow the steps below:

  • First, open the Android phone’s Settings app.
  • Now, select Connections and Mobile Networks.
  • After that, select Network Mode.
  • Choose 3G (CDMA) as the chosen network mode.

#2. Disable the Wi-Fi Connection

Disable the Wi-Fi Connection

Only a less number of highly developed Android phones support this feature of getting connected to data networks and Wi-Fi simultaneously.

However, a majority of Android phones do not offer this feature. Thus, if users turn on their Wi-Fi while their data network is still turned on, the data network will be turned off immediately.

This could also be the reason of the ‘Mobile Network State Disconnected’ issue. Follow the steps below to fix it:

  • To begin with, open Android phone’s Settings.
  • Press the Connections button.
  • Click the Wi-Fi and turn it off.
  • After that, use the notification panel to enter and exit Airplane Mode for nearly 20 – 30 seconds.
  • Lastly, turn on the mobile data to see if the issue has been solved.

#3. Reset the Mobile’s APN Settings

Reset the Mobile’s APN Settings

If the previous solutions failed to solve the problem, users should adjust the APN settings on their mobile devices. This reason behind could be either the APN settings are incorrect or empty when the Android device is newly purchased.

Moreover, the network provider notifies users about the necessary APN settings when they insert their SIM. In case users have experienced that, follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  • Open Settings on the Android phone.
  • Navigate to Mobile Networks under Connections.
  • Lastly, click on Access Point Names.
  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner and choose ‘Reset To Default’.

#4. Reset the Mobile Network

Reset the Mobile Network

Sometimes, users are needed to follow this step even though most mobile users try to avoid it, since it could lead to the loss of important data. If users are concerned about maintaining the information on their Android phone, make sure to have a backup of the data before proceeding with this step.

At times, the mobile phone’s SIM card could have trouble understanding users’ orders. Furthermore, even though users can receive, send, and make phone calls, some devices continue to display the message “mobile network state disconnected.

In such a case, it will be difficult to determine if users’ mobile network is rightly working or not.

In such a case, users can follow the steps below:

  • Open the Settings app on the Android phone
  • Go to General Options
  • Press the Reset button
  • Once the password has been entered, the device will automatically reset.

The Bottom Line

When users receive the error message ‘Mobile Network State Disconnected’, it becomes inconvenient to use the internet. Therefore, it is recommended to restart the routers and devices before using the four aforementioned fixes.

It may happen that the first solution won’t work, but don’t give up. Instead, keep trying the other solutions to address the issue until the right one works.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is “Mobile Network State Disconnected” Error?

The smartphone notification ‘Mobile Network State Disconnected’ simply means that it is not connected to the mobile network.

This ultimately leads to the loss of various essential cellular services, including the ability to use mobile Internet, make and receive calls, and send SMS.

Q. Will Wi-Fi work in case of the ‘Mobile Network State Disconnected’ message?

A smartphone can still connect with Wi-Fi networks, even when it is not linked to a mobile network. Users can continue to use internet and data-dependent applications like online services and streaming movies.

Basically, having Wi-Fi means that the device will keep working and be connected even when the cellular network faces temporary interruption.

Q. Can any Software Update fix ‘Mobile Network State Disconnected’ issue?

Yes! Manufacturers often release updates to fix bugs and enhance network connectivity, so first check the device software and look for the latest features.

Check the settings on the phone to make sure to receive the newest updates.

Q. What if none Troubleshooting Steps work?

If the issue persists despite trying several solutions, contact the mobile provider’s customer support. Get professional advice if your location has mobile coverage.

They can provide personalized advice based on location, account, and network configurations.

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